
What makes a home? Is it just a temporary safe haven... a place to raise one's offspring... a permanent sense of belonging... a place to protect... or is it a ever-changing location dependent of the food supply and outside forces that determines a home? In her Home Series, Kathleen plays with these ideas as she thinks about what a home is to her. Having been born and raised in Colorado, then moving to Connecticut where she raised her children, then residing in China for a number of years makes her wonder where home is, especially as her children move out on their own. So this question is one that she thinks about and brought about the creation of her Home Series. In this series, she plays with ideas concerning what makes a home by looking at three different species 'homes'.

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In Bird, she thinks about how Birds make their homes high in the tree tops, cliffs or even power lines to create a temporary safe haven to raise its offspring. Do they see their nests or their flock or the sky as their true home?

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In Dog, she thinks about how Dogs make their home in underground dens, dog houses or with people to create a permanent sense of belonging and give them a place to protect. Do they see these places or their pack or a wider territory as their true home?

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In Fish, she thinks about how Fish make their home in a coral reef, river or even a bowl to create a contently moving existence in search of food and determined by outside forces. Do they see these locations or their school or water in general as its true home?

As Kathleen pondered these questions she found that 'home' can mean many different things but for her it seems to be more of a state of mind then any one location. What do you think? 

Exhibitions: Kathleen's Home Series' graphie drawings were first shown at the Alexey von Schlippe Gallery in her solo exhibition in 2014. Then the graphite drawing of Dog was exhibited at the Mytic Museum of Art located at 9 Water Street, Mystic, Connecticut during their Home juried exhibition in 2015. Now the newly printed serigraphs will be on exhibit at 2018 Essex Town Green Outdoor Summer Arts Festival. It will occurs at Sat, June 9 (10-5pm); Sun, June 10 (11-5pm) Essex Town Green, 12 Main Street, Essex CT. 


"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication."

Leonardo da Vinci

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Exhibitions: The intaglio prints of WoMan Series were shown at the Kehler Liddell Gallery in New Haven during Kathleen's solo exhibition titled Couples. The serigraphic prints of WoMan Series will be on exhibit at Spectrum Gallery's Summer Exhibition in Centerbrook, CT. The exhibit will run from May 25th through July 8th.


Two of Kathleen Zimmerman's recent series use landscapes as a major part of their subject matter. Not landscapes in the traditional sense but landscapes none the less. Xtrasensory and Landscape series' play with ideas concerning both states of mind and the sense of place.

Kathleen's Xtrasensory Series is made up of three very different ways of using landscapes in Cloud Nine, Spirit Guide and Dreamscape.  

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In Cloud Nine, a landscape of clouds allows the viewer to relax and let their minds wander as they glaze upward.

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In Spirit Guide, the viewer is lead on a journey through the woods as they look for enlightenment.

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While in Dreamscape, an invented interior/exterior landscape invites the viewer to enter a dreamworld.

Kathleen's Landscape Series is composed of two separate yet complementary works, Inner Landscape and Outer Landscape. Both deal with the notion of an interior life. 

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Inner Landscape expresses the idea that every living being has a hidden interior life that remains private and unaccessible to the public. While it is fed from exterior "light", or life, and grows as we grow, it is the essence of what that being is and largely remains the same throughout life.

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Outer Landscape expresses the idea that every living being shares this inner life through what they allow others to see. This exterior facade gives others a glimpse into what is going on inside but there are many aspects that are kept locked away. Some beings are more open than others so it is easier to imagine what their interior life is like but in truth, we can never really know.

Exhibitions: The graphite drawing of Spirit Guide was exhibited at the Kehler Liddell Gallery in New Haven, Connecticut during their It's a Wonderful Life: Celebrate with Art exhibition. The serigraph of Outer Landscape is being exhibited at the Mystic Museum of Art, 9 Water Street in Mystic, Connecticut from January 12- March 10th, 2018.

Update: The silkscreen of Spirit Guide and both Inner and Outer Landscape will be exhibited at Taos Art Insurgency: The New Protagonists, a National Juried Exhibition. The gallery exhibition is Saturday April 21 – May 12, 2018 at Greg Moon Art, Wilder Nightingale Fine Art, and David Anthony Fine Art on Kit Carson Road in Taos, NM. They will also be shown at the 2018 Essex Town Green Outdoor Summer Arts Festival.  The Essex Summer Arts Festival will occur Sat, June 9 (10-5pm) and Sun, June 10 (11-5pm) at the Essex Town Green, 12 Main Street, Essex CT. 

Artists Live

Artists Live is a program curated and created by Kathleen Zimmerman in partnership with the Mansfield Downtown Partnership. It is sponsored by the National Endowment for the Arts, State of Connecticut's Office of the Arts and WindhamArts, making it possible for regional professional level artists to show and interact with the community in and around Storrs in Mansfield, Connecticut. 

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Artists Live is an art program created to enhance what the Mansfield Downtown Partnership, Inc. and the Ballard Institute and Museum of Puppetry are already doing in Storrs Center by adding the visual arts to their program of events. At the designated site, the Nash-Zimmer Transportation Center at 23 Royce Circle, Kathleen Zimmerman will curate a series of exhibitions, lead artists discussions and facilitate an active exchange between the guest artists and the public. The Mansfield Downtown Partnership will provide the place where the community can view the work throughout each month as well as meet and interact with the participating artists. This way the community can gain insight into the creative process and an understanding of what it is like to be a working artist. The artists, in turn will share their work and their knowledge with the public in this intimate space, fostering a greater understanding between the artists and the community. The Mansfield Downtown Partnership thus will be able to continue their support for the arts and make Storrs Center the place to go for current culture enhancing this area both for the temporary student and the permanent resident populations. It will provide an alternative choice to the imported and historic artists work that is currently what the community has access to by granting access to some of the state's award-winning  "living" artists. 


The program provides one exhibition and artist discussion per month starting in March 2017 running throughout December 2017 with the exception of August. The exhibitions will begin the first Friday of each month and will be on view until the final Friday of that month. The site will be open and free of charge to the public Monday through Friday 8am - 5pm and Saturday 10am - 4pm. Additionally, each final Friday of the month from 5pm - 6pm, the exhibiting artist will engage in an artist discussion with Kathleen Zimmerman followed by a reception from 6pm-7pm providing the artist and the public a chance to become better acquinted. The participating artists are Gigi Horr Liverant, Anne Eisner, Frank Bruckmann, Gar Waterman, Oi Fortin, Jean Dalton, Lynita Shimizu, Nan Runde, Kathleen Zimmerman and John Harris in that order. 

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Regional Arts Grant was awarded to Kathleen Zimmerman & The Mansfield Downtown Partnership. 

Note: Kathleen Zimmerman will be exhibiting from the first Friday until the final Friday in November 2017. All of the above intaglio prints will be on exhibit along with Block Head Series and Space Series at the Nash-Zimmer Transportation Center, 23 Royce Circle in Storrs, Connecticut. 

Update: Cosmic Cow Series - Light Dark and the Hood Series - Father & Mother will be on exhibit at the 2018 Essex Town Green Outdoor Summer Arts Festival. It will occur at Sat, June 9 (10-5pm); Sun, June 10 (11-5pm) Essex Town Green, 12 Main Street, Essex CT.