Zoo Series (Magic Circles)

Zoo Series - Farm directly below is the first design from a series of circle of life drawings that Kathleen Zimmerman is making into serigraphs. Farm, the drawing, lead to the rest of the series along with a number of fictional tales/poems that she created to help her clarify her thinking, and to have a bit of fun. Zimmerman used symbolic, and surreal, elements, much like the fairy tales of old, but in a more contemporary fashion. The use of blue gives a nod to our watery beginnings and our lovely blue home.

Zoo - Farm sp.jpg

This is what Kathleen had to say about these works.

I created the original drawings for exhibition, being a visual artist, but the desire to combine these images with words came about as the ideas progressed. While I do not consider myself a writer, being much more at home visually than verbally, I saw words as just an tool to help me clarify my thinking and to add another level of enjoyment.

Below are the rest of the Zoo Series shown in the following order: Desert, Forest, Jungle, Ocean, Savanna and Tundra. The images are from the original graphite drawings.

An example of a poem Kathleen wrote that related to Zoo Series - Savanna follows.

Elephant, Hyenas and Birds


       Elephant was foraging at daybreak,

       Leaving a trail of destruction in his wake.


       The trees in his path were mangled and toppled, 

       Even the grass was uprooted and crumpled.


He left quite a mess behind as all knew,

But nothing about this was anything new.


He was not aware of the mess he left behind,

       But the Birds and the Hyenas noticed in kind. 


       The Birds always looked to the gray bulldozer,

       It made feeding easy, with the soil turned-over.


       But Hyenas thought Elephant was an ogre,

       For leaving debris for them to trip over.


       Elephant noticed them give him the ‘old evil eye’,

       Making him glad, he was no slim, little guy.


       When hyenas laughed, Elephant felt wary,

       But knew he’s too big to kill and bury.


       One of the hyenas spoke up at last,

       Barking at Elephant, while she passed.


       “Why must you leave the trees knocked over?

       Destroy the turf, and leave it turned under?


       You should be ashamed of the mess that you make, 

       Why aren’t you more careful, for heaven’s sake?” 


        Elephant could hardly believe her rude question,

       Who made her queen of this place was his question?  


       “I don’t know what you mean, my dame, 

       Mind your own business, and I’ll do the same?” 


       Hyena was determined to have her own say,  

       She had all she could, of his unsightly way. 


       “I know you are big and powerful and all,

       But have consideration for the rest of us all!” 


  “Coming from you, this is hard to believe,

       The one who destroys zebra, please leave!” 


       Hyena could not help but grow angry and bark, 

       She thought what he said, was way off the mark! 


       “Now I’ll admit, I eat all kinds of fowl things,

        But I’m thinning the herds of unhealthy things. 


       We do them a service to keep their herds strong, 

       I can hardly believe that you think that is wrong. 


       In fact, we never leave carcasses littered about, 

       We eat every bite, from tail to the snout. 


       So feel free to ask anyone, from far to near, 

       We leave not one speck, not even an ear.”


       Elephant had to concede that this was true,

       Making him begin to see them anew.


       If he looked at it from their point of view,

       What they did wasn’t wicked, but noble, who knew?


       Elephant now noticed the mess he had made,

       And suddenly he sat down turning a blue shade.


        This made the birds fly out of their way,

        To scold the hyena, but this is what she did say.


       “I am sorry to make him feel so bad and all,

       But it was really his fault for making trees fall.”


       “He was just doing a service in clearing the way,

       So new plants can grow strong for a new day.


       Now go your own way and do your own thing,

       And let Elephant be”. The birds did sing.       


       Hyena now understood he was not a bad guy, 

       He was just doing his job, so why make him cry? 


       So live and let live was the lesson they learned,

       And back to the hunt the Hyenas returned.


       Elephant felt better and quit crying by then, 

       Listening to Birds made him content once again.

Zimmmerman Fine Art Studio

Timely as Well as Timeless

To see my latest art video featuring my collection of drawings, and digital prints, click on this link.


Forest dp.jpg

This is the quick introduction that I gave in the video.

I am a contemporary visual artist who explores issues concerning day-to-day life as well as profound ideas surrounding relationships, the environment and culture by creating drawings, prints and sculpture. Over the years, I have developed a personal visual language that uses symbolism and surrealism to transform my subject matter into archetypal images. I have been told this gives my work a mythical quality making them both timely as well as timeless.

Artist, retired art teacher and patron, Barbara Scavotto-Early, described my art this way. "When I view Kathleen's thought-provoking work, I ponder over her cosmic and mythic depictions of animals, nature, culture, humankind, and interrelationships. Her compositions often include abstract ethereal beings within the lyrical line and organic unified shapes of her main subject. Rich gradations of tone and captivating detail invite me to look deeper where I always see more. Her animal portrayals and playful narrative enactments evoke my wonder and amazement of her symbolic sensibility. Her work is visually and soulfully harmonious."

In this video, I hope by keeping the focus on the visual language, the viewer is encouraged to bring their own imagination into the narratives. The following images are of my current collection of digital prints presented in the alphabetical order. This seemed fitting since I have a series for all the letters from A to Z. If you want to find out more about these prints, my serigraphs, my cast sculpture or me, visit my website, www.kathleen-zimmerman-artist.com . Now sit back and enjoy.

Preview: A book featuring my current collection of drawings, and digital prints, can be previewed on Blurb. It is titled ABC… The Contemporary Art of Kathleen Zimmerman and the link is listed below. https://www.blurb.com/b/11782623-abc

Kathleen Zimmerman

Does Art Fit in Your Space?

Artwork can add meaning to any space and capture the essence of those who collect it.

Global Series - Bear Hugs and Moon Rabbits

Global Series - Bear Hugs and Moon Rabbits

It can emit a caring attitude,

Cosmic Series - Light Dark and Cosmic Cows

Cosmic Series - Light Dark and Cosmic Cows

an intellectual outlook,

Star Series - Evening and Morning Star

Star Series - Evening and Morning Star

a love of the natural world,

Counting Sheep 1, 2, 3, 4, and Inner Landscape

Counting Sheep 1, 2, 3, 4, and Inner Landscape

a soulful introspection,

Star Series - Star Light, Star Bright

Star Series - Star Light, Star Bright

or a need for inspiration.

Block head Monkey, Moon Rabbits, books and digital prints

Art is at home wherever the collector wants comfort, insight, a reminder, peace, or inspiration, to name a few.

Zimmerman Fine Art Studio

Star Light, Star Bright

Greetings! I got a little busy in June so that is the reason for no blog post but happy to say July is here with a new print to share with you!

I talked about the original drawing, and some of the ideas I had concerning a future serigraph of it, in my March blog post. Like I said then, Star light, Star bright, as all the work in my Star Series, portrays animals that for some reason or another has grabbed humanity’s attention and become stars, in a sense. Stars, in that they have become icons that are used widely in stories and popular culture.

LightBright sp.jpg

Since March, I have been experimenting with different colors and the placement of color for the final serigraph. I decided to use fresh vibrant primary colors; sky blue, sunny yellow, warm red and place them to highlight the abstract shape between the ears as well as the two flower shapes tucked under those lovely big ears. These colors also add life and brighten up any space!

I will be sending these bunnies out of the studio soon, so be sure to look for them in my galleries and in juried exhibitions throughout New England, and beyond.

Kathleen Zimmerman


For more information about these original silkscreens, go to the hand-made prints page. If you have any questions, or would like to be placed on our mailing list, go to the contact page. I look forward to hearing from you.


Summer is on its way, and art galleries across New England are celebrating with both in the gallery and virtual exhibitions. My fine art silkscreens and cast sculpture, are included in a number of shows in NYC, Connecticut, Vermont and New Hampshire.

Home Series - Dog_silkscreen.jpg

National Association of Women Artists of NYC is hosting an juried exhibition titled Home. This online exhibition is to celebrate a new chapter in NAWA history as they begin 2021 in a new home at the National Arts Club in Manhattan. It can be seen at www.artiosgallery.com/virtual-gallery from June 1 - July 1. Dog from my Home Series, was choosen to be apart of this exhibition. The idea behind this hand-made serigraph has to do with “what makes a home” from different animals perspectives.

GR Art Gallery of Stamford, Connecticut is hosting a invitational summer group exhibition. This lovely artist owned and run gallery’s last exhibition was my Solo Exhibition. For the summer, my serigraphs titled Dance Series - Salsa, Swing and Waltz, along with my cast sculpture Moon Rabbits can be seen live along with a fine assortment of artworks by all the gallery’s artists. More details about this exhibition can be obtained by signing up for my emailing list on the Contact page of this website. I will be sending out evites once the gallery sets dates.

Tilting at Windmills Gallery of Manchester, Vermont, carries the silkscreens featured in the following video, a large selection of my digital prints and even some of my cast sculpture. Since I am a gallery artist there, feel free to stop by throughout the summer season to see my work in person!

The New Leaf Gallery of Keene, New Hamphire, a brand new gallery featuring hand-made prints is hosting a juried open call for hand-made prints. My two prints, Inner Landscape and Horse Barn Hill, were my two entries. 
The New Leaf Gallery has posted the 36 prints for their online exhibit, "Calling on Special Places” at: https://thenewleafgallery.com/calling-on-special-places

A live exhibition will be held at their gallery at The New Leaf Gallery, 11 Roxbury Street, Keene, NH to coincide with Keene’s Art Walk, June 3 - June 30. The gallery exhibit will present a refined selection of around 20 prints that were either juried in by the gallery director and owner, or choosen by popular vote. I am proud to say Inner Landscape was selected to be apart of this exhibition!

Connecticut Academy of Fine Arts’ 110th Annual Juried Exhibition, will be a virtual show hosted on the CAFA website from June 26 – August 14, 2021. Midday, Rising and Sun from my Star Series are my three entries this year. While the exhibition is usually held at the Mystic Museum of Art, in Mystic, Connecticut, this year it will be presented on CAFA’s website and you can see my artist membership page at: https://www.ctacademy.org/artistgalleries/kathleen-zimmerman