Summer is here!

The Art Scene is starting to heat up!

While some exhibitions are over, more exhibitions are open or scheduled to open, and some new readings were released. Rabbit Hole made its appearance at the Galatea Art Gallery last month in Boston. Above is a quick photo of it as part of the Contrast juried exhibition. Kathleen found the gallery and the other artists delightful so she may be exhibiting here again in the near future.

Magic Tundra - Ox, Fox, and Lemmings is about being content with the hand you were dealt. It was written, illustrated, and read by Kathleen Zimmerman. It is one of a series of animal tales/poems from her Magic Circles book. (3 minutes) It was edited by Jacob Zimmerman.

Two of Kathleen’s serigraphs, Outer and Inner Landscapes, were jurined into an international print exhibition. They can be seen at the Five Points Arts Center in Torrington this month, and next.

Five Points 2023 Printmaking Juried Exhibition

Exhibition Dates: June 3 – July 28, 2023

Location: Five Points Arts Center, 855 University Drive, Torrington, CT 06790

Reception: Saturday, July 15, 1–4 PM

Magic Tundra - Moose, Hare and Puffin is about not letting preconceived notions get in the way of your life’s journey. It was also written, illustrated, and read by Kathleen Zimmerman. It is one of a series of animal tales/poems from her Magic Circles book. (5 minutes) It was edited by Jacob Zimmerman. While all these tales give insight into the world we live in, this one may give added insight into our artist, haha.

Pair Series - Balance will be on display in New York City!

The National Association of Women Artists Presents: 134th Annual Exhibition.

Exhibition Dates: June 16 – July 1, 2023

Location: ONE ART SPACE, 23 Warren Street, (Tribeca), New York, NY 10007

Reception: June 16, 6-9 pm

Online: +

A number of Kathleen’s intaglio/charcoal and serigraphic prints with be up in Vermont throughout the summer. Come visit and purchase these lovely handmade prints!

Canal Street Art Gallery’s 5th Annual Summer Group Exhibition

Exhibition Dates: June 16 – September 2, 2023

Location: Canal Street Art Gallery, 23 Canal St, Bellows Falls, VT 05101

Reception: Third Friday of each month from 5 - 7 pm

Offspring Series in Summer Group Exhibition

Magic Tundra - Bear, Otter, and Eagle concerns stages of life and thoughts about life and death. It was written, illustrated, and read by Kathleen Zimmerman. It is one of a series of animal tales/poems from her Magic Circles book. (3 minutes) It was edited by Jacob Zimmerman.

Kathleen was invited to participate in Kehler Liddell Gallery’s twentith anniversary exhibition. So she decided to exhibit for the first time Spoon, an intimate grahite drawing and to make it available for purchase She rarely parts with her original drawings so don’t miss this opportunity to see, and possibly take home, Spoon and meet the artist.

Kehler Liddell Gallery is TWENTY, 2-0, YEARS OLD

Exhibition Dates: June 29 – July 30, 2023

Location: Kehler Liddell Gallery, 873 Whalley Ave, New Haven, CT

Reception: July 9, 3-6 pm

So if you are in Connecticut, New York City or Vermont, you will be able to see these works of art in-person.


Zimmerman Fine Art Studio

Summer is just around the corner!

Things are starting to blossom with a conversation about Art on YouTube, exhibitions online in NYC, in-person in Boston, Vermont and Connecticut, the release of the next animal tale/poem and a live reading in Connecticut!

Above is a recent interrview which can be seen here, and on the National Association of Women Artists channel (@theNAWA) as well as Kathleen’s new channel (@kathleenzimmermanartist) on YouTube. The National Association of Women Artists organization is the oldest national women artists group in the United States and Kathleen is a Signature member.

Landscape Series - Inner is apart of the exhibition “From Landscapes to Mindscapes” online in NYC.

National Association of Women Artists’ latest online exhibition.

Kathleen received this acceptance letter April 27th.

“We are pleased to inform you that your work has been accepted in NAWA's up-coming exhibition From Landscapes to Mindscapes online at


EXHIBITION DATES: May 1, 2023 – May 31, 2023

RECEPTION online May 4, 2023, 5-6 pm

Magic Savanna - Giraffe, Gazelle and Tuco is about the life of artists. It was written, illustrate and read by Kathleen Zimmerman. It is one of a series of animal tales/poems from her Magic Circle book talking about an artist’s life. (4 minutes)

Zoo Series - Forest, the intaglio/charcoal print, will be apart of the below exhibition at Gallery on the Green in Canton, CT


DATE: April 21 - MAY 20, 2023

Location: Gallery on the Green (click on gallery to go to their website) Gallery is in Canton, CT

Theme: The concept for the “Word-Art” show is to explore the synergy between writing and the visual arts. The show may include paintings or sculpture that incorporate text or were inspired by the written word; it may include written pieces inspired by visual arts; or it may include pieces of video art, dance, or theater. We envision a show that will exhibit all media, and may include screenings, readings, and the publication of a chapbook of the written work.

Kathleen and her son Jacob’s poem Bear, Porcupine and Me will be one of the featured readings on May 13th from 7-9pm at the gallery. Gallery on the Green is located on the Canton Town Green at the corner of Dowd Avenue and Route 44 in Canton, CT. Below is a reading of Magic Forest - Bear, Porcupine, and Me.

Universe Series - Rabbit Hole is apart of the exhibition “Contrast’ at Galatea Art Gallery in Boston, MA.


DATE: MAY 5 - MAY 28, 2023

Location: Galatea Fine Art (click on gallery to go to their website) Gallery is in Boston, MA

Theme: "Contrast" The art world has many shades, is defined as differences, and is widely used as a principle of art. Here the heavy future is reflected in the Artist, the weight on the water, and the strain of the rock; the stage is here to play between art elements like color, value, size, texture, and other aspects of choice. (Click on Galatea Fine Art above to go to their website.)

Dance Series - Swing, serigraph, can be seen at Canal Street Gallery in Bellow Falls, Vermont

Note: If you are in Connecticut, or Boston, we hope to see you at the reading and/or opening! If you see the work online, send any questions, or comments, you may have through our contact page. (Click on Gallery on the Green above to go to their website.)

Zimmerman Fine Art Studio

Spring has Sprung!

If you have spring fever you are in the right place. We have plenty of readings, art exhibitions and fresh artwork to listen to, and to see.

Magic Savanna - Lion, Baby and Mommy Gazelle presents ideas surrounding lust, love, sacrifice, and acceptance. Like all of Kathleen Zimmerman’s animal tales/poems, bring along your sense of humor, and love for all living creatures.

In the studio, Kathleen Zimmerman finished the drawing, Lunar Lovers. It is the sixth in her Universe Series that uses a variety of animals to represent life as they ponder the latest scientific theories concerning the Universe. In Lunar Lovers, this loving couple finds themselves living in a cave on the Moon while the Sun and the Earth are seen in the distance. Will happiness truely be found by leaving their home planet?

Kathleen Zimmerman’s full collection of YinYang drawings is finally finsihed, and ready for exhibition. This lovely series was started during her residency in China. She lived there for five years, gaining an appreciation, and better understanding, of this rapidly changing ancient culture. This series consists of twenty-six pairs, one pair for every letter in the alphabet. Each pair shows two ways of looking at an idea, or place. For the titles, dimensions and a better look, go to the menu on this website, and select drawing. They along with China, the first drawing Kathleen created in China. All of these images make up a lovely book, titled China Through An Artist’s Eyes, which is shown above. It presents the YinYang Series along with the ideas behind each drawing. It can be previewed by following this link: .

Magic Savanna - Elephant, Hyenas, and Birds presents ideas about ‘live and let live’ as long as one has ‘consideration for the rest of us all’.


DATE: April 21 - MAY 20, 2023

Location: Gallery on the Green

Theme: The concept for the “Word-Art” show is to explore the synergy between writing and the visual arts. The show may include paintings or sculpture that incorporate text or were inspired by the written word; it may include written pieces inspired by visual arts; or it may include pieces of video art, dance, or theater. We envision a show that will exhibit all media, and may include screenings, readings, and the publication of a chapbook of the written work.

Kathleen’s poem Bear, Porcupine and Me and her intaglio print Zoo Series - Forest will be in this exhibition.

Zimmerman Fine Art Studio

March-ing Onward

March started with Kathleen Zimmerman reading one of her animal tales/poem Bird, Wolf and Deer. This poem plays with ideas surrounding acceptance, and empathy. Click on the arrow below.

On March 8th, we released a short video/power point presentation, which Kathleen Zimmerman was asked to make for an upcoming interview. This interrview will be available in May both here, and on the National Association of Women Artists channel (@theNAWA) as well as Kathleen’s new channel (@kathleenzimmermanartist) on YouTube. The National Association of Women Artists organization is the oldest national women artists group in the United States. Kathleen is a signature member. Note: The recording was quieter so be sure to turn up volume on this one.

On March 10th, Kathleen finished the drawing Wolf, which is the third in her Blockhead Series. This series looks at the aesthetic beauty of forms in the natural world and abstract forms. Like the other two drawings, Otters and Monkey, it will be the basis for a small edition hand-made serigraph that we plan on releasing later this year.

On March 20th Kathleen Zimmerman read her animal tales/poem Beavers, Squirrel and Bird. This poem expresses the need for coexistence with others for a better life. Listen by clicking on the arrow below.

We hope you enjoy these creations! Feel free to contact us to let us know what you think, or if you want more information.

Zimmerman Fine Art Studio

Monkeys, Boa, and Crocodile... Birds... Bear, Porcupine, and Me... Oh My!

Kathleen Zimmerman released two new readiings from her Magic Circles Series of animal tales/poems in February. Magic Jungle - Monkeys, Boa and Crocodile was the first and was shared on February 4th. This fun two minute reading plays with ideas surrounding age, and taking care of one another.

The above images are of Kathleen’s latest drawings. Salt and Fresh. They are the first pair in a new series playing with ideas concerning equals by celebrating their differences, and their common traits. The use of charcoal along with the graphite give them an added contrast, and texture, which is unique to this series.

Magic Forest - Bear, Porcupine and Me was the second reading and was shared on February 20th. This sweet two minute reading plays with ideas exploring different living creatures shared, and unique, characteristics.

In the above image we are showing a detailed view of Sweet Dream, to help you see the sheep, and the emerging figure, that are done in relief as part of the base that the figure is fused to. This sculpture plays with the connection between our unconscious and our conscious mind.

Zimmerman Fine Art Studio