Kathleen Zimmerman

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To Be or Not to Be?

Path Series - To Be or Not To Be?, drawing, created and copyrighted by Kathleen Zimmerman

What does an artist create for today’s world?

Kathleen Zimmerman uses her distinctive visual language to create artwork that invites the viewer to think about the world we are living in. For example, in her latest drawing titled To Be or Not To Be? she invites the viewer to choose between two different paths that humanity can take. On the left side of the composition there is a path that is made by humans excluding the natural world. On the right side of the composition there is a path that is also made my humans but where the natural world is included. While the serious subject matter of this work of art brings with its dramatic imagery and suggests our temporary existence, the way Zimmerman portrays the elements of the natural world suggests a feeling of hopefulness. Will humanity choose to exclude or include nature? The answer to this question will make all the difference.

How does an artist make a difference today?

First by creating artwork that is meaningful. Then by choosing how and where to share it. After much thought, Zimmerman decided to exhibit her work not only in worthy galleries, art centers and museums but in partnership with environmental organizations. This led her to apply for membership in the International Artists for Conservation Foundation. After doing some research, Zimmerman found that the Artists for Conservation Foundation is the the world’s leading artist group supporting the environment. It represents 500 of the world’s leading nature/wildlife artists from 30 countries. We are proud to say that her application was accepted, and she has been awarded Signature Membership! This will allow her to truly partner with them and other environmental organizations by donating a portion of the sales to environmental organizations of her choice such as the World Wildlife Fund, the Nature Conservancy and Compassion in World Farming. The link to her work on Artists for Conservation’s website is http://www.artistsforconservation.org/Kathleen-Zimmerman. The selection of artwork available can be seen and acquired there with ease. Below we are showing just a few examples of the artwork.

How can a patron choose the path they want life to take?

We wanted to give patrons who would like to support the environment an easy way to do just that. When you ‘adopt’ one of Zimmerman’s works of art from the Artists For Conservation, you can feel proud that you are choosing the path that leads to a working relationship with the natural world. This choice not only gives you the joy of living with a meaningful work of art for years to come but it allows you to accept the responsibility and privilege of caring for the world we live in.

Zimmerman Fine Art Studio