Studio Visit

We wanted to share our latest video, and to direct patrons to Kathleen Zimmerman’s YouTube channel. We just customized it, and are featuring the studio visit video above. Her playlists include all the videos that are on this website. To be notified when each new release of these animal tales/poems occurs or other new videos, like and subscribe. Here is the link to her channel:

Below is the first reading from Kathleen’s Magic Circle animal tales/poems titled Magic Ocean - Angellfish, Parrotfish, and Stingray. It is short and sweet with a bit of humor thrown in. Sit back and enjoy!

Zimmerman Fine Art Studio

Back to the Drawingboard

It has been quite a summer siesta with travel, gardening, solar installation, and family fun! I don’t think I have ever been away from the ‘drawingboard’ for most of the summer before but my creativity is very organic. tt has a mind of its own and requires that I live a full live so that I have new, fresh ideas to work off of. Thank goodness for that!

Now that the summer has come to an end though, my creativity called me back into the studio. The last time I was in the studio, I was finishing up a woodblock for BIG INK. So, cleaning up and reorganizing was the first thing I had to do. While doing this, I came across a number of drawings I had done in the past couple of years. One example was two related drawings from a series titled Dark Matter. Abstract and Representational are shown below. They caught my attention and ideas surrounding dark matter were soon triggered, so watch for new work in this series in the near future.

Another series I came across was To Be or Not To Be? Jungle, Forest, and Desert, are shown below. I have been meaning to complete this series but I got sidetracked with the woodblock cut project. But now I guess it is time to get back to finishing this series with the addition of Savanna, Tundra and Farm.

In addition to these drawings, my garden has given me ideas for my Vital Series. Below are Rad(radish), Let Us(lettuce), and Care(carrot). To Mate(tomatoes), Beats(beets), Kin(pumpkins) and Lick(garlic) may be transformed into additional food for thought later this year.

So back to the drawingboard I go with a happy heart after my summer siesta. My creativity is in full swing once again!

Kathleen Zimmerman


BIG INK is a national juried woodblock master class program to help artists make large-scale woodblock prints. Each artist has two months to create their woodblock, which they will then print at an event with the program founder, Lyell Castongway. Kathleen Zimmerman’s acceptance letter follows.

Hello Kathleen Zimmerman,

Thank you for your recent submission.  The following applicants have been accepted.

Adell Donaghue • Adrian Tio • Brooke H Stewart • Elizabeth Stanton • Emily Trueblood • Gabe Chevalier • Grechel Rosado • Isabella Penney • Janie Kinnane • Jency Sekaran • Jenya Damsky • Joseph Moore • Kate Bolton Ricketson • Kathleen Zimmerman • Kathrine Lovell • Kelsie Leonard • Liv Stanislas • Robert Maloney • Sabrina Heney • Susan Gelotte

We appreciate reviewing everyone's application.  Please read on for important information.  We look forward to working with you!

Lyell Castonguay & Carand Burnet


While Zimmerman is a printmaker, this will be the first time she has carved a woodblock. We thought it would be nice to share this printmaking method with you. Above is a documentation of the transformation of Zimmerman’s To Be or Not To Be? Forest graphite drawing into a large-scale woodblock carving. Zimmerman carved her drawing on MDF first as a practice run. She learned alot which helped her in her carving on cherry plywood. This cherry plywood block is what was printed at the BIG INK event at Dedee Shattuck Gallery.