
Reconsider the Wild!

Two iconic Wild animals, the Lion and the Zebra, were the inspiration for my latest serigraphs, or commonly known as silkscreen prints.

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As the world changes, we have the opportunity to reconsider the Wild. Animals can be viewed as partners, and their habitats can be seen as essential ecosystems, that keep the delicate balance that makes life on Earth possible.

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As an artist, my job is to help others re-envision the world. As a human, my responsibility is to do want I can to leave this world a better place. I hope you will join me by reconsidering the Wild and by finding your way to leave this world a better place. In taking my responsibility to heart, I am donating a portion of the sales of all my serigraphs to wildlife organizations, such as World Wildlife Fund, the Nature Conservancy or National Wildlife Federation. If these works, or others, connect with you, contact us.

Kathleen Zimmerman